Katie and I saw all the sites, and it was really useful that she had been to Paris before as well as spoke a bit of French. We saw the Arc de Triomphe, made it to the top of the Eiffel Tower, went to the Louvre to see the Mona and much more, went to Montmartre and saw the art fair, got portraits drawn and saw the beautiful Sacre Coeur. We also went to the red light district and saw the Moulin Rouge, which was good fun.
I think I might just move to Paris. Everything there is beautiful...even our budget hotel was filled with French beauty. I really can't describe to you how wonderful it was...and if you have never been to Paris you will never fully understand until you go. Go to Paris. Live in Paris. Be Parisian...its what I plan on doing.
Also, I met the President of Ireland this week. It was wonderful. She is such a nice and intelligent lady, and we even had small talk about the weather similarities in Seattle and Dublin.
I will be going to Barcelona this weekend, and then its the final countdown of my days in Dublin. Its so bitter sweet, because I miss everyone back home...but love my time abroad. Stay tuned for Barcelona!
Here are pictures from France: